Carrie Lagas

Real Estate Professional in Maryland

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I have called Maryland home for 25 years. I love living here where you can enjoy the buzz of city living as well as the serenity of rural landscapes all within a 30-minute drive. I have almost 10 years of experience in the real estate industry. I love educating clients and advocating for their needs throughout the home buying and selling process. My clients appreciate my organization and communication skills. I am hardworking, sincere and excited to be a part of your real estate journey. With my initiative, attention to detail, and deep understanding of the real estate market, your eyes will be open to a new standard in real estate.

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Find Your Dream Home

Buy easier

You need a partner who knows the neighborhoods, the market and the process. Who can advise you when to think on it, sleep on it or go all in on it. Because this is about much more than bricks and sticks. This is about your future home. And you don't want to live with it. You want to love it.

Sell faster

You need a partner who knows the neighborhoods, the market and the process. Who can advise you when to think on it, sleep on it or go all in on it. Because this is about much more than bricks and sticks. This is about your future home. And you don't want to live with it. You want to love it.

Featured Properties


The Move Meter® lets you compare locations based on living affordability, average home prices and other important factors.

Let's Work Together.

Taking a personalized approach, I make the real estate transaction process easy for buyers and sellers. Contact me for a full range of options to suit both your lifestyle and moving timeline.